Most Effective, Zero Excuse HIIT Workout for Busy People

Loathe long workout routines?
Well, the sentiment is quite common.
Especially when we spent half our day working, seven hours (ideally) sleeping, and commuting a couple of hours. We'd probably want to utilize the remaining few hours to unwind (or just Netflix and chill). So, how do we break free from the common excuse for not working out, that is, 'I don't have the freaking time'?
We already know that exercising improves and maintains our physical agility, mental health and boosts our mood. But let us give you another reason to motivate yourself: exercise can also increase productivity, which means feeling energized all day and performing better at work. Exercise is known to help with 'brain fog', which is characterized by confusion, forgetfulness, a lack of focus and mental clarity. According to a recent study, the impact of a 'sit less, move more' programme showed positive results on the efficiency of office employees wherein they showed improved productivity, presenteeism, deadlines, and cognitive functions.
Coming back to the main problem: An hour-long workout can seem daunting if you are busy, tired, or just not in the mood. The good news is that you can get a lot more from a 10 to 20-minute workout than not working out at all. Research shows short bouts of workouts have a beneficial effect on reducing obesity. Moreover, another study shows that short workouts boost body metabolism. There are many types of exercises that you can incorporate in your short workout routines to make the most of your time, for example, HIIT, aerobics, strength training, and yoga.
HIIT or High-Intensity Interval Training is a great workout for busy people as it requires only 10 to 30 minutes of your time. It involves short bursts of intense exercises like burpees, mountain climbers, push-ups separated with low-intensity recovery periods. HIIT workout requires optimal usage of body weight which gives you overall muscle-toning benefits while packing enough cardio to burn those calories away.
Top 7 Benefits of HIIT Are:
- Lose body fat, especially visceral fat and get a smaller waist
- Ignite your metabolism for hours even after the workout, which can be utilized by the body to burn fat rather than energy
- Burn 25-30% more calories than weight training, running, or biking in a short amount of time
- Support small gains in muscle mass along with weight training
- Normalize heart rate and blood pressure, especially in obese individuals
- Improve oxygen consumption, i.e., your muscles' ability to utilize oxygen to perform better
- Reduce blood sugar and insulin resistance – a benefit useful for both healthy and diabetic individuals
Best HIIT Workout Regime for Busy People
Being the ideal workout for extremely busy professionals, HIIT is great for firing up those calories on days when you are running short on time. The best part? You don't need a gym membership to perform these exercises. These workouts can be performed anytime, anywhere with the help of no to little equipment like kettlebells, dumbbells, medicine balls, etc. Now, visualize burning calories in the comfort of your home without any excuses. Isn't that a perfect picture?
Here is list of 12 Kettlebell Crossfit Workouts You Can Try at Home
Having a home gym is fairly advantageous:
- No need to commute to the gym
- Workout when you want and how you want
- No waiting in queue to use equipment
- No distractions
- Design it as per your needs
If having your home gym is something you aspire for, SF Health Tech has got your back to make the process easier by providing the best fitness equipment that you may need right at your doorstep.
We have curated 6 HIIT workout routines for you that target the whole body, so, the next time you think of ditching your daily workout because you don't have time, equipment, or strength; then try one (or all) of the below workout regimes as we have solutions for all of your problems:
We suggest the following routines be divided into 6 days with one day of break in between for best results. Beginners can start with exercising thrice a week (preferably three different routines), while intermediates and advanced can follow all 6 routines to exercise 5-6 times a week. Following these routines consistently will help you lose belly fat and weight and help build muscles and achieve your fitness goals efficiently. If you want to take it up a notch, repeat each routine 2 to 3 times to get fantastic results.
Day 1, Routine 1
Duration: 7 minutes
Equipment needed: None
Difficulty level: Beginner
Flow: 30 secs exercise with 15 secs rest in between
- Side to side jump
- Jump quats
- Punch left to right
- Crunch those abs
- Dip and swing
- Side to side kicks
- Touch the floor (legs back)
- Tight tummy
- Tight jump
Day 2, Routine 2 (Tabata Style)
Duration: 8 minutes
Equipment needed: Kettlebell
Difficulty level: Beginner + Intermediate
Flow: 20 secs exercise with 10 secs rest in between
- KB swings
- KB lunges right arm
- KB thrusters
- KB lunges Left arm
- KB snatch right arm
- KB squats
- KB snatch left arm
- KB deadlift
Day 3, Routine 3
Duration: 7 minutes
Equipment needed: None
Difficulty level: Beginner + Intermediate
Flow: 45 secs exercise with 15 secs rest in between
- Half burpees
- Plank alternating toe taps
- Side plank hold
- Low plank to high plank
- Butt kicks
- Knee taps
- Jumping squats
Day 4, Routine 4
Duration: 10 minutes
Equipment Needed: None
Difficulty Level: Beginner + Intermediate
Flow: 45 secs exercise with 15 secs rest in between
- High knees
- Low plank to high plank
- Half burpees
- Toe touches
- Squat jump
- Side plank
- Alternate lunges
- Jumping jacks
- Hip thrusts
- Butt kicks
Day 5, Routine 5
Duration: 8 to 10 minutes
Equipment needed: None
Difficulty level: Beginner + Intermediate
Flow: 45 secs exercise with 25 secs rest in between
- Low plank to high plank
- Burpees
- Side Plank up and down
- Explosive push-ups
- Switching mountain climber
- Seated leg flutter
- Boat hold
Day 6, Routine 6
Duration: 15 minutes
Equipment needed: A pair of dumbbells
Difficulty level: Beginner + Intermediate
Interval: 45 secs exercise with 15 secs rest in between
- Drop squats
- Deadlifts
- Front lunges
- Kneeling step-ups
- Single leg deadlifts
- Lateral lunges
- Bent over rows
- Upright rows
- Hammer curls
- Seated military press
- Floor chest press
- Floor skull crushers
- Knee tucks
- Pull through
- Hold the world
Day 7: Active Rest
These workout routines will help you burn fat, build muscle, and improve endurance – all in just 15-20 minutes per day. You can warm up before exercising if you feel a bit stiff and throw in a few stretching exercises at the end of the workout on days you have more time.
Also, don't overlook your diet. We all know abs are made in the kitchen. Eating right is also the key to an energetic soul. So, make sure that you fuel your body with the right amount of healthy nutrients that keep you full and up your metabolism to boost your body's fat burning speed.